Address Forwarding
You are responsible to notify Eckerd College, as well as family, friends, subscriptions, financial institutions, credit card companies and so on, that you have relocated and provide your new address. Mail received with no forwarding address on record will be returned to sender.
Please note – Only First-Class mail is subject to forwarding so, regardless of whether you indicate a forwarding address, we do NOT forward bulk mail, junk mail, newspapers or magazines, all of which will be recycled.
UPS and FedEx packages cannot be forwarded, if we receive one, you will be contacted to pay for the cost to ship the item to your new address.
Prior to graduation, update ECExperience with your new address. After graduation, Mail Service will forward your mail to your new address for a period of six months. Once that period expires, all mail will be returned to sender.
Extended Leave
Prior to your departure, be sure to remove all items from your mail box because once you leave, it will be reassigned. Also, you must update ECWeb with your new address. After your departure, Mail Service will forward your mail to your new address for a period of six months. Once that period expires, all mail will be returned to sender.